Next level of daycare

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

The daycare we use is also a preschool, so they function like a school. Our girl will be moving up to the next level classroom on October 5th. However, in that room they need to sit at a table and feed themselves. My girl will absolutely not feed herself. She just stares at the food like “wtf? Feed me bitch!” 😂 They cannot have bottles or purées in that classroom and my little one lovesss her purées. She does okay with a sippy cup, so I’m not too worried about the lack of bottles. We have been trying to get her to feed herself solids since 8 months old. She will have two bites of something and then she is done. We have tried literally everything. I’m freaking out that she won’t be eating at daycare. I know they won’t let her starve, but I feel like it’s going to be a struggle and I don’t know where we went wrong for her to be so behind with eating. 😓

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 💜