TTC #2 with an 8mo little boy


Hello Ladies! Joining this group as I start my journey for our 2nd little one. My son is only 8 months old, but I’m 38 and feel if we’re going to have a second child it needs to be soon. We tried for a little over a year for our Josiah, and suffered one loss before conceiving him. I’d really love a little girl! We were not successful with our first try last month and I’m currently on CD 3. I had an emergency c-section and because of blood loss and stress my milk production was hardly existent. Tried 4 weeks but little man lost too much weight so went to formula exclusively. Other than that, I healed quickly, lost all the baby weight and have had regular cycles since May, between 27-30 days each. Anyone have any tips or suggestions? Any success stories? Oh, my husband is also 52, another reason for the rush, lol.