Did I really miscarriage ?

Monet • Mother of One 04/02/19 🎀 & Three Angels 👼🏾 #GirlMom Currently Healing From Ectopic pregnancy 10/27/2020

I've tested early exactly 7 dpo and I've gotten a faint positive and I've been receiving faint positives since and I've went to the doctors twice first time neg urine test and second time positive but faint along w a positive blood test at 24mIU then I went to the hospital because I've been bleeding and cramping ( red blood ) and Low stomach cramps and lower back pain. Not heavy bleeding and they did an ultrasound which they couldn't detect anything because I'm still early but blood came back at 37mIU which went up from the day before I got my test results back I got my blood tested mon & tues which is two day testing but they say every two to three days your blood levels would double and today I've took a test which is this test here not bleeding like I was the last 2 days. I have an appointment today I hope my levels are higher but I'm preparing myself for a miscarriage/ chemical pregnancy.