Home doppler

I’m 13 weeks and haven’t been able to find the heart beat with a home Doppler. Anyone else have this issue???

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We have one as well and found it at 9+4 weeks. You might be searching in the wrong place.. for us it’s one specific spot.. one mm to the left and nothing.


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My OB recommended that i don't buy one for my own sanity i believe many women don't find heartbeat until farther along


Shamika • Oct 1, 2020
I wanted to so bad but id rather wait it out i want to hear my baby heart beat so bad im 12 weeks on Saturday


Samantha • Oct 1, 2020
Yeah I’m second guessing buying it hahah


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I was able to find mine at 9w4d, but she was really low and I had to use a pillow to prop my hips up. I can find her fairly easily now that I know where to look. Put it away if it’s causing stress though!


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I’m 16 w 5 d and just had a scare at midwife when she couldn’t find a heartbeat. Had to go for an emergency scan, everything is fine thank god, baby just hiding behind my placenta, low down and small as babies are at this time. It’s not recommended to try a Doppler before 24 weeks in many Hospitals because it’s notoriously hard to find heartbeat also many people hear their own heartbeat and get confused.For your own sanity put it away.


Posted at
Most at home Dopplers say not to use until 20 weeks so you won’t have this problem. It’s harder to find heartbeat and for them to pick it up any earlier than that.


kayla • Oct 1, 2020
No problem!


Samantha • Oct 1, 2020
Ok thank you that makes me feel better!