pregnancy cramps vs period cramps ?



i was suppose to come on yesterday but didn’t. feeling some cramps that feel like period cramps but i’m hoping to be pregnant ! stressed

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Posted at
They honestly felt the same to me which I hated because I kept feeling like I was gonna start my period but I knew I was pregnant. It kinda stressed me out a bit


Destinee • Oct 1, 2020
That’s how I feel right now! Especially during the night for the past two days, but I know I’m 4 weeks pregnant. So stressful.


My’kala • Oct 1, 2020
thank you , i was pregnant in february but had a miscarriage in april and been trying again ever since. i’m only a day late but i’m feeling lower abdominal pain making me think it’s gonna come on, i’m nervous ugh


Posted at
They feel the same. Take a test


Posted at
How long did you ladies cramp throughout your pregnancy??


Miranda • Oct 1, 2020
Until about 12 weeks... it wasn’t always cramps - but general heaviness and discomfort too. Then it felt totally fine and like nothing was there!


Posted at
They can feel very similar. Have you tested yet?


Destinee • Oct 1, 2020
I definitely understand, this is my little rainbow baby and I kind of regret finding out so soon because my anxiety is through the roof. I would recommend starting your prenatals and stay away from the restricted foods while you wait to take the test


Destinee • Oct 1, 2020
Drink a lot of water, that has been helping me


My’kala • Oct 1, 2020
i haven’t. i’m so scared and nervous to test, i had a miscarriage in april and if this test comes out negative i’m just gonna be more depressed


Posted at
I cant tell the difference. I’ve cramped both of my pregnancies.