Only gestational sac (freaking out)

Kay • Baby Boy mom 12.2018💙👶🏽

Had my first ultrasound today and the tech was only able to see the gestational sac. They scheduled another appointment for me to come back on 10/12 because they say it’s too early.

LMP was 8/16

Ovulation date was 9/5

I’m crushed. Is it just too early? Should I be as concerned as I am?

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It’s too early


Posted at
I don’t think you should worry are your like 5 weeks pregnant? Usually you can’t see baby and heartbeat till like 6+3 days that’s when I saw mine


Kay • Oct 1, 2020
If I judge by the ovulation date, it would be 5 weeks and 5 days


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I had only a sac at 5+3 went back two weeks later and baby was there and I’m currently 23 weeks


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How many weeks or days are you because anything under 5 weeks you aren’t gonna see much it’s fine to worry but stress puts the baby at risk so try to de stress as much as Possible too much stress causes miscarriages


Tiara • Oct 2, 2020
If that’s the case seriously don’t worry your little peanut will show up later on when you get farther along I’m suprised they’re doing your ultrasound at 5 weeks instead of 9 weeks like women usually do


Kay • Oct 1, 2020
If I go according to the ovulation date, it puts me at 5 weeks and 5 days


Posted at
I just had the same issue, I’m not 6w3d I go back on the 7th for another sono!! My dr said it’s perfectly normal to not see anything that early