Does life ever get better after having a child ?

I had my baby in April, ever since I had him my life has been shit... my baby is almost 6 months and still refuses to sleep through the night, he woke me up every hour last night. He already throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.. the only time away from him I get is going to work,taking a shower, or going grocery shopping... my bf (baby’s father) also lives 4 hours away from us so he can’t be much help.. I never have time for myself any more i always look a mess because I never have time to do makeup . I never even have time to clean so it’s always a mess... I’m just convinced this kid is never gonna sleep thru the night and is always gonna be so needy. He won’t even sleep unless he’s cuddled up with me. I’m really about to lose my mind I don’t know how much longer I can do this i don’t get why it’s so easy for everyone else to be a mom but I struggle so much with it. I honestly don’t think I was meant to be a mother because I’m just not strong enough to deal with this bullshit day in and out. I love my son don’t get me wrong but it’s just too fucking much most of the time