I gotta rant.

So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a while. He’s got two kiddos, which I don’t mind. The one thing I do mind is their mother.

I originally had no problem w her. I respected her even when she didn’t respect me and I grinned and bared it when the kids would tell me “my mommy doesn’t like you” because I knew it would be a hard change for her. Having another woman in your kids lives can be hard and she didn’t know me well (I tried, she wasn’t interested in getting to know me.) I have now hit my limit with her.

My boyfriend has been going through his divorce for almost 2 years now? It’s been messy. She immediately moved in with another man and began dating him. The man she started dating will text my boyfriend and get in the middle of arguments concerning the kids, he taught our oldest to say the n word, and the kids tried to choke each other and punch one another because “that’s what (his name) does to mommy” these issues have been brought up to her (and his lawyer) because that doesn’t sound like a safe environment for her or the kids, but she told my boyfriend it’s none of his business and she’s a good mom. Now the kids have come back to us with lice, no baths, impetigo (which is a common skin infection in kids especially when they’re in school, but they literally hadn’t been to school in months) without going to the doctor and denying us medical cards to take them, starving because they didn’t eat since breakfast (we pick them up between 3 and 6), and dressed in inappropriate clothing, our youngest got sent to us in a tank top, a crop top over her tank top, and a hoodie with fleece leggings and tennis shoes and it was 87 degrees outside. Not to mention she sent her in size 10 shoes and she’s wears a 13 so I have no idea how she even got them on her.

She has no job, no license, her only income is child support, and she spends it on herself and her boyfriend. Earlier this year at tax time she blew her money on new nikes, Victoria’s Secret bullshit, and clothes. For herself. She has recently been joining groups on Facebook that are offer free hand me downs and preaching to everyone she’s fallen on hard times and needs clothes for her and the kids. Then posted the wrong sizes of their clothes and shoes.

This isn’t even half of what she does, but this is just some of the more notable stuff. Reports have been made, lawyers have been notified, but literally nothing has changed. It’s frustrating! We make reports weekly once they go back home, we called school to report they have untreated lice because she legit just won’t take care of it. We’re at a stand still until their case can get approved by the judge but we’ve been waiting for what feels like months. I cried like a baby yesterday after we sent them home because it’s upsetting. I hate sending them home to that and they cried like horrible yesterday because they didn’t want to go back home. I know she will never go away and I’m fine with that. I want the kiddos to grow up with their mom in their life. I’m not trying to push her away or just “get rid of her” it’s just one of those days where I’m just so annoyed with it.