Differences in pregnancies

Hannah • SJG 💙 THG 💙

Hey y’all!

I’m just curious those of you whose second pregnancy was different than your first, was baby #2 the opposite gender?

I’m 15w2d and just can’t wait to find out so I’m just curious what your experience was!

With my son I was super nauseous and sleeping all the time, I craved dill pickle spears or anything salty really.

This time around with baby #2 I wasn’t nauseous at all and not much more tired than usual, and my craving is fruit, juice, like anything fruity really.

I know people say different symptoms been different genders but I don’t believe in that so I think I’m having another boy, my husband is convinced it’s a girl.

Pics of ultrasounds if you feel like guessing!

First is transvaginal 8w2d second is abdominal 12w1d