please help me. I'm so lost and confused

so like last month I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder , severe depression and bad social anxiety ( there's more I'm not comfortable sharing )

since I'm 15 my dad was present in the call and the doctor asked if he has any concerns and asked about my behavior changing etc. he obviously lied because I'm visibly not okay.

the call ended and he closed my laptop and asked why I'm babying up to the doctors and lying to them. obviously I'm like what are you talking about I'm getting the help I need??

I took my stuff and went to my room bc I didnt wanna argue. but hes downstairs complaining how hes so depressed and how stressed I make him as if he just said mental health is fake..

at night he them came into my room saying im just lazy and my room is disgusting and then proceeded to say that if I ever self harm again hes permanently sending me into a psych ward and that my boyfriend can get me out. (he said it with sarcasm, trying to make it sound like I care ab my bf more than my dad which is NOT TRUE . I care ab my dad more than I should.)

i have 2 younger siblings and I have to do a lot for them when I cant even do it for myself. he has been way too hard on me and I just got fed up with it and left after school.

I went to my boyfriends house (16) and have been here for 3 weeks.

I'm so scared to go home i feel so unwanted there.. I dont have anybody else I can go to.. no cousins nothing. they wouldn't do anything for me.

my boyfriends family on the other hand is so supportive and show a lot of love to me.

I dont know what to do I'm so lost and confused. I talked to a crisis hotline but they speak like bots so It didnt help at all.

i need advice... I'm only 15