Slowly rising hcg levels


I’m currently 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I had my first ultrasound on Monday at 7 weeks and 4 days. The sonographer said that the baby was measuring a week off (6 weeks and 1 day). She also said heartbeat was slow (52 and it should be around 90-125), and I have a subchorionic bleed. She did mentioned that the bleed was very small and super common in pregnant women.

My midwife had me take three blood tests to see if my hcg levels went up or down.

I had the first one on Monday, got the results on Tuesday and she said it looked great!

Next test was on Thursday, I got the results on Friday and they were concerning.

She said that the hcg didn’t fall but they were slowly rising. She did tell me that I should be aware that I could be experiencing another miscarriage (I had my first in 2018 at 5 weeks pregnant).

I had my last test today and hopefully be receiving the results tomorrow or Monday.

Can someone please comment if they’ve had similar experiences? I am so anxious and worried. I feel so numb and emotionally exhausted.

Please send prayers our way