Disappointed in my body

I’m so disappointed with my body. I’ve always had poly cystic ovaries but I’ve never really had any problems with my cycles. This is the first month I tried to track my cycle and as it turns out it’s also the longest cycle I’ve ever had! 50 days!! Normally my cycles are around 32-37 days and I get a lot of signs of my period coming like cramps and sore boobs a few days before. I’ve had none of that this cycle. I had an ultrasound and it showed I have heaps of cysts on my right ovary. My last ultrasound in December was fine and didn’t show any problems. I’m just so angry with my body :( why has it suddenly decided to not work!!!??? I’ve got an appointment with my OBGYN next month. Surely my period will eventually come??? They said my lining was thick (not abnormally thick), what does that mean? Will I get my period soon?