Any insight? Please!


Hi ladies! HELP! I’ve been actively tracking my ovulation for the last three months and just started tracking bbt this month with the Ava bracelet. With my first, i got pregnant the first month trying without tracking.

I just put all my information from other <a href="">fertility apps</a> into the Femometer app, and I’m really shocked at its insight.

Apparently, I’m having short luteal phases.

August: 11 days

Sept: 10 days

Oct: tbd (unsure if I’ve ovulated, apps say yea, but haven’t had a positive opk)

Anyone else have shorter luteal phases and get pregnant? Any advice? Should i make an appointment to see my doctor?

Also, if anyone could help me figure out my bbt chart i would be forever grateful! (I received my Ava bracelet in the mail on CD12, so some temps are missing from this cycle)

Thank you all in advance!!