
My father in law got better he can talk and some what walk as well as eat on his own! I am so proud. However he does have awful memory now. We finally cut all contact with them because of the most recent incident. My husband got into a serious work place accident and got much of his hair ripped out and I had to give him a haircut. I posted a photo of it on facebook and his dad had called to talk about it. I have his mother unfriended on Facebook and my stuff to private and my husband did the same. The call ended fine and then his mother started calling and texting on messenger and though text saying how it's unfair that everyone can see his new haircut but her (she accused us of having her blocked but she isnt she also trys to snoop on my feed Facebook) and this is kinda where everything went crazy. His dad took the phone and told my husband that he needs to put me in my place and "demand" that I allow him to speak to his parents. My husband told him that I have nothing to do with it. His father also said he owes his mother for giving birth to him (they have told my husband he was an accident to his face) and called me, my mother, and my husbands grandmother a bitch. He also kept asking what "we were going to do with their grandkids" (we have been trying for a year and I had one miscarriage where my mother in law used it as sympathy points telling everyone without my permission, we also didn't get a chance to tell his grandmother when I was still pregnant his mom took the liberty herself) my husband also told his parents how he felt and they completely dismissed it AGAIN. Then when it was his dads birthday his parents got one of their friends to guilt trip and harrass my husband to call his dad for his birthday. They also have been calling us from various numbers and making various accounts trying to get me to accept friend requests/ follow requests on social media.

Orginal post

Both my mother in law and father in law are heavy HEAVY drug users, they do not work, and get government checks (they both can work but they wont) they also live with my husband's grandmother because they cant keep a place my mother in law also does not drive because she has a warrant for her arrest on 2 tickets she didn't pay off for some sort of driving incident she and my father in law did not take care of my husband as a child he had to sleep on the floors no air she also gave him alcohol and drugs at a young age never fed him just stupid shit... real mother of the year award huh

she also has bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder and refuses to take her meds (I too have mental illness so I have no problem there but its like please take care of yourself)

I started dating my husband when I was 14 and he was 17 and a month into the relationship some random person sent me a message on Facebook asking if "they where gonna be an uncle" and of course 14 year old me is confused as hell and turns out my S.O's mom is telling people Im knocked up at FOURTEEN my momma would kill me. Fast forward a couple of years shes now asking and being weirdly obsessed with her own sons sex life cracking jokes towards me and him making us both uncomfortable I also like to mention that first trip i took with him and his parents (just into town) his dad started talking about blow jobs to me and that was real awkward.

both his parents also took me and him (i was 16 at the time) to a drug dealing... so yeah. She also told me i am too stuck up and not good enough for her son

Fast forward to I am 18, hes 20 and I graduated and we moved in together. Well as soon as that happened his mom called and said our dog attacked another dog and killed him (we know our dog would never do that and we couldn't bring our dogs because we moved into and apartment so they are at his grandmas) we both know it was her dog because he was known to kill cats in the neighborhood and also attack other dogs she then said we owed the people 500 dollars for vet bills to the people whos dog was attacked and that she would give it to them ( we went and talked to the people whos dog was attacked and they said we didnt owe anything and I like to mention the only person who saw the attack was his mom) (his parents were on their own at this time and i think rent was coming up for them and she wanted our money) well eventually me and him decided to get married (it was a late night sudden decision but at this point we were engaged for a year) we told his parents and they were very unhappy especially his mom she was accusing me of trying to take his money and that im pregnant awful things so we just went and got hitched and his parents did not respect the fact we wanted it to just be us and they HAD to come because it was their (really it was his mom who insisted) only son (she also started calling me her number two in a passive aggressive way) her dog then gets our dog pregnant and was so food aggressive (mind you its the dog food we buy she never paid for a bag in her life) that our little dog couldn't eat and she gave birth and his mom neglected the puppies so much 2 died in her care and our dog was losing hair she was so malnourished from nursing and no food (she would call us high crying about the puppies blaming my S.O's grandma for whatever reason) she also had sent pictures of the puppies dying with filters on them to me it was awful we would try talking to her about her dogs food aggression but her dog would never do anything wrong so my parents took the puppies and our dog in (they are absolute angels for that) after our dog broke her leg and his mom took 2 days to tell us (we live an hour away) we all agreed that they were all gonna die if they stayed there and we couldn't take them all in its 400 dollars for one pet so my parents nursed them all to health and we had to pull from savings to take our dog with us

Now what is going on is my husband is trying to slowly branch away from her but its hard because his dad had a brain bleed (from drugs) and we are having to deal with that first night he was in surgery she was crying to me about my husband not wanting to talk to her (he and i both blocked her on our phones and facebook after she left him in a parking lot for 4 hours to donate plasma for 50 dollars she didnt even tell him she wanted to go there and thats even after my father in law had hand surgery she left him in that parking lot too) during the second surgery she was joking about smoking pot and saying her therapist told her "dont you dare stop" which i know isnt true my psychiatrist told me never to smoke because it can cause an episode of mania (i have bipolar disorder too) she eventually started asking me and my husband if we are "gonna go make her a grand baby in the closet" super weird but the entire time she made it clear she did not want me at the hospital and for 3 weeks i never got to see my father in law because she wouldnt let me my dad had also ordered us food since we were in the hospital and she complained it wasnt what she wanted she also would make my husband get her everything and got mad that he wouldnt hear his phone ring (it was broken) and he didnt get her id and she couldnt get cigarettes (we live and hour and a half away from the hospital so its like 3 hour trip or so to get there after picking up her stuff) we had to leave early once because she was talking so bad to my husband and during that whole time she started a go fund me and was trying to get pity from others so she could get money she also had complete control over my father in laws checks so she basically squandered all that money on clothes, takeout and all this other stuff and then go try to get more people to donate money because "everything is so expensive" (she also tried asking for money daily and got mad we didn't feel comfortable sending money through Facebook) she also is mad all the nurses hated her but she would fall asleep and leave my father in law unattended and he ended up hitting his head after surgery and caused a spinal leak but now they are home and she refuses to let a nurse take care of him and is doing it all herself but from what we figured out she isnt doing it correctly and refuses to let him be put in a special care of some sort she also is hinting that she wants a break and wants us to take care of him but we both fear she wont come back if we do (he cant use the bathroom on his own and i feel like thats not something a son should have to do it seems more like a spousal thing i mean i wouldnt want my own child putting a cath in me its weird) she even gave him cigarettes and he threw up (this man cant even swallow walk or talk very well hes pretty much immobile and im no doctor but i dont think he needs cigarettes in his condition) she is also hinting (along with her friends) that me and my husband need to take care of her financially and we cant we literally cant im going to school full time not working he is the only provider and this is just getting ridiculous i am honestly terrified of getting pregnant for fear of her she acts like shes this concerned wife but she just wants someone to do stuff for him she never did anything herself it was always the father in law she called crying one time trying to get my husband to pay 800 for these two trucks they owe money on he told her no and she straight up said its not her job to do it and he had to explain to her that "dad cant do it anymore its on you" we also just found out shes driving illegally so thats something. If you are going through something similar I am so sorry and you can get through it its tough... boy is it tough.... but its gonna be ok feel free to shoot me a message if you never need to talk to someone who gets it because boy to i get it. Sorry its so long, the grammar is shit and its such a strange story and feel free to delete if not allowed i just really needed to get this all off my chest