
Molly • 34, TTC#2 for 6+yrs

Days, weeks, months of depression consuming my every movement and thought.

With random moments thrown in of thinking “I think I’m ok...” or “I feel great!”

So all those tasks that required energy I just didn’t have for days, weeks, or even months get done in one day! With music blaring I do it all! Cooking (breakfast, lunch, dinner, homemade bread, and meal prep for the rest of the week), ALL laundry (not just washed! Washed, dried, folded, hung and all put away! ), groom cat and dog, all while playing with the kid (and actually having fun!). Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, no triggers (that I’m aware of) I’m quiet, I’m tired, overwhelmed, can’t muster up enough energy to take shower, or brush teeth. I don’t want to be touched, talked to, but at the same time I’m so lonely.

Writing these feelings out helps though.