I have extremely bad back pains that feel like labor pain. Is it because I had epidural after my kids birth?

So I have 2 kids and birth of them I had epidural, my little boy is 18 months so it’s been a while but I did get epidural. Now I don’t know if I’m getting these pains for that reason or maybe another reason?

But this pain last for 2 days, I get them pretty often I’d say at LEAST once a month. It hurts SOOOO BAD, it literally feels like back labor pain. I just feel a consistent throbbing on my lower back & the pain goes down to my inner thighs and just my legs. And no matter what I do, massage them or whatever it is, it doesnt help at all.

I want to get an idea on why I’m having these pains. 😩 I really can’t handle it