Pregnant with miracle baby #2! Test progression!


Pregnant with our miracle baby #2!

My daughter was born on June 27th 2018 as a result of a successful <a href="">IVF</a> cycle.

One week ago, we transferred a frozen embryo leftover from that cycle. Looks like baby #2 is on the way!

Fun facts: my 2 year old daughter and this baby-to-be were techbically conceived on the same day! They used to share a Petrie dish. 😅

My daughter's embryo transfer date was October 12th 2017. This baby's embryo transfer date was October 13th 2020. Exactly 3 years and 1 day apart!

My daughter's due date was June 30th 2018. This baby's due date is July 1st, 2021. 3 years 1 day apart! They could possibly share the same bday!

Anyway, here is my test progression for anyone interested. Beginning at 4 days past transfer with vvvfl and progressing to today, 7 days past transfer. (Today would be the equivalent of 12 dpo if it had been natural conception.) The digital was 5 days past transfer (equal to 10 dpo)