Miscarriage 8 weeks ago


I had a miscarriage on Aug 26. I believe I was around 6 weeks along or so. I did a HCG test to confirm that the numbers are going down the week after and it was 5. The hospital said I didnt need to do another blood test since my numbers are super low. The ultrasound was also showing that theres pretty much nothing left in there.

I believe I did get my period in Sept but for a shorter duration than usual.

Today, I decided to take a home pregnancy test and it came back positive? Im not sure if this is residual HCG from previously or actually a new pregnancy. The line on the test was not super dark but not sure if that means anything. Im including a pic of my test from today. Please ignore the pad underneath it 😅

I left a message for my doctor to ask him the same. But just wondering if anyone else experienced this as well.