Am I a bad friend?

This is long, I’m sorry, but my friend, we will call him Shawn, was going to take my other friend, we will call her Audrey, out of town, two hours away, to go shopping at the mall and to an arcade for her birthday. And I was going as well.

Well, Audrey called me earlier while I was out shopping.

We got on the subject of how I thought I had lupus, and she brought up something about having a cream to use and told me not to tell our other friend, because I “know how he is” and well, she said she went to two different urgent cares and then the hospital finally told her she had scabies, and that she isn’t contagious anymore or anything.

Before I left the store, I looked up exactly what scabies was and it said it’s highly contagious and the little bugs dig Deep in the skin.

On my way home, I started thinking about it and we just got rid of a random small flea infestation at home a couple weeks ago, and I do NOT want to have to feel itchy again. Plus my mom is having surgery and she can’t have the surgery if she has sores on her. She has been trying hard to not pick (she has Obsessive compulsive disorder and it causes her to pick) and they are almost healed. I can’t risk catching that and bringing it back to our family.

Then I thought about Shawn. I talked to my mom about it and said that I need to tell him. I told Audrey to tell him because he needs to know. She said “I don’t have it any more. I got rid of it. So I could have fun on my birthday. Had them back in August don’t have them anymore.”

She may have said that, but she also told me she wasn’t in a relationship with her childs father when I saw them at the store, and two weeks later they were married. Which she also didn’t tell me anything about. (Idk why she didn’t tell me as I haven’t said anything and always try to support her.)

But I ended up telling Shawn, because I felt he had the right to know. But I feel konda like a bad friend. Did I do the right thing by telling him?

Also, Shawn is gullible and will believe anything Audrey says. They are asking me if I am still going? I also just noticed Audrey deleted my mom and Shawn from Facebook and is denying it.

Should I just delete her, and remove myself from the situation completely even though they are my only friends? My mom has done a lot for her. And hasn’t said anything to her either.