Nipple pain while breastfeeding?


Some background first: I have a 3wk old. I was super engorged on day 2 - so much so that I had to use a nipple shield to create a nipple for LO to latch on to. Recently, noticed LO will actively suckle for 5-10 min, fall asleep, and get fussy when he’s unlatched. This would go on for like 3 hrs, I was dying. Made and appt with pediatrician/LC, she took off the nipple shield and checked his lower lip. Apparently, he’s so used to the fast milk flow, that he’s letting the breast do the work instead of himself. And b/c of how engorged I was, he now has to readjust his latch technique, which he is struggling to do so.

With all that being said, now when he latched, and I make sure he’s flanged correctly, he immediately starts to suck and it straight feels like an ice pick shoved into my nipple and wriggled around! 😭 Sometimes it gets better with time, but I still have to encourage him to flange correctly and it starts it over. It did not hurt except a twinge in the pediatrician’s office.

I’ve tried using lanolin cream from Medela, but he doesn’t seem to like the taste/texture and pushes away from the breast.

I’ve checked his mouth and my nipple, no s/s of thrush. Is it b/c I’m a first time mom? Will it go away? I want him to feed from the breast, but this pain is awful!