Did you know?

Has anyone else known that they were pregnant before you ever took a test?

I did

My husband and I had sex three times during my predicted ovulation week. One in the beginning and the other two the day before and day after ovulation day.

I knew this was our month! I began having dreams of taking a pregnancy test and it being positive. Three times I had this dream. After a week I had some pain in my lower belly and after a day it went away.

The last couple of days I’ve been having light nausea and very sensitive nips. 

Then my period was “due” since January it’s been 3 days early and since July it’s been 3 days late. Well, 3 days early came and went so did 3 days late! I sent my husband to the store and guess what?!

I’m pregnant with baby number 2!

Currently 4 weeks and 2 days!