Nursery done


Our nursery is all put together. Just decorations left but those we will get along the way. But everything else is done and put together.

Our hospital bad is kinda packed everything is stuff we wear so that will go in last min. Baby’s outfit will be here tomorrow so that will go in the hospital bag.

We are being a little extra and buying kinda cheap pillows for the hospital. We know they have them be we like pillows and I want to be as comfortable as I can be, and I want my husband to be comfortable too. We have snacks packed and we will be getting some drink stuff next weekend.

We have to get our dogs stuff all together to go to my dads when it’s time. I’ll be 37 weeks Monday and my dr app to check me is Tuesday along with an ultrasound. I get those every other week due to my multiple sclerosis. But we are getting so close.