Braxton Hicks


I’m 14 weeks and 2 days and last night I was kept awake all night by what I think/thought was Braxton hicks cause it definitely wasn’t average cramps. It hurt a lot more and wasn’t like normal cramps. Lately I’ve had a lot of pelvic pressure too. Our baby seems to be way bigger than what he/she is meant to be as well. The average scans I’ve seen on this app on the articles and other women too and there’s are a lot smaller than ours is. But the nurses and doctors and sonographer (if that’s the right word) have all said the same as to how far along I am. My fiancé was a 12lb baby and I was 8lb (I was a twin) and I’m only small because of medical conditions and starving myself as a child/teen which stopped my growth etc and if I’m going to be having a 10-12+lb baby I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk. I’m already having difficulty breathing after a while, walking, my back pain is intolerable sometimes too. Would it be Braxton Hicks this early? I’ve heard it can happen and I’m a stickler for the rare cases 😂 or is it just cramps? I’m not sure 🥺🥺 someone please try help. Tia xx