7 Days IUI


Hi All,

So I’ve recently started my journey of becoming by single mum by choice, using donor sperm.

Today I am 7 days into the 2ww, of my first round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, and have been getting some light cramping, have had sore boobs and nipples and feel really bloated and gassy 🙈 is this normal?

It was a medicated cycle I done and have been on progesterone and a blood thinning injection since the procedure.

I’m 38 in November and have no children, I have conceived twice naturally in my 20s, but unfortunately both ended in miscarriage.

I’m driving myself mad with every feeling I get at the moment, never knew how bad this 2ww actually is, so any guidance would be much appreciated 😊