

So my girl just turned 15 months and we went in for her checkup today. She’s gained 7 ounces in the last 3 months. So she’s now 26 lbs 1 oz, 95%. But the doctor is concerned she’s only gained the 7 oz. am I crazy to not think it’s a big deal? I mean she’s a strong girl, always on the move, eats 3 square meals a day and 2 hearty snacks (sometimes 1 before bed too!). She does have allergies - gluten, dairy, corn, and lentils, so im always reading up on best practices on nutrition and making sure her diet is appropriately balanced.

I guess I just don’t see the big deal in slowing down the weight gain considering how active she is. Even the nutritionists I follow online say kids stop growing as fast once they start walking.


And yes we use avocado oil, hemp, flax, chia, and Avocados/guac are huge in our home!