Nursing strike? 🥺


I think i may have accidently sent my LO into a nursing strike 😰 my daughter is 7.5 months old mostly breastfed (her bottle while i work are 50/50 milk/formula cause i dont produce enough while pumping at work to match what she consumes while i’m gone). But she has up till now always been content exclusively breastfeeding while i am home, did fine all day today. And then this evening while i was attempting to feed her for bed she bit me right at the start (first time she’s bit me even though she has had teeth for a month). I yelped ‘OW’ cause i wasn’t expecting it and pulled her off and she just looked at me really confused. Then latched right back on and immediately bit me again. So i again pulled her off and said ‘OW no biting’. She started crying and wouldn’t stop and now refuses to latch 😭. She only cried harder when i attempted a few times to relatch her. I went to our bedroom and did some skin to skin with her to see if that would help, and she was fine snuggling against my breasts but as soon as she saw the nipple she would turn her head away and start crying again 😢. I ended up having my husband make a bottle for her and bring it to me, and i bottlefed her against me with her cheek on my breast, and she did reach up and touch the nipple a couple times while she ate but once the bottle was done i tried to just brush her mouth with the nipple to see if she would latch (cause even if shes full she never turns up an opportunity to latch and comfort suckle for a bit) but she turned her head away and started screaming again 😩. I didnt want to push her anymore so i put her to bed and pumped. Sorry for the long post, but i don’t know what to do. I’m afraid i scared her off breastfeeding and i dont know how to communicate to her that i’m happy if she wants to eat its just biting that is bad. Anyone else experience something similar with their LO? Did i ruin our breastfeeding journey? FTM freaking out a bit here 🥺