TTC- Baby #1 Early Pregnancy or Symptom Obsession?


Any of you ladies TTC feel like trying to look for early pregnancy signs TTC can lead convincing yourself your having “symptoms” when in reality your body is just doing its natural thing your just obsessing over every cramp, every pee, etc.

I’m so worried it’s all in my head but we are so excited to have our first baby it’s so hard not to over analyze everything!

I am now 10 days PO, I’m SO NERVOUS I’m going to get my period and be so disappointed! Today was supposed to be the first day of my period but so far I’ve been a day late! So far I’ve been super constipated, bloated, having back pain (sharp sometimes achy like the ones I get during menstrual cycle) sharp random pain on the right side of my pelvis) I’ve definitely been complaining a lot more then I usually do about bodily discomforts, and I’m pretty sure I just let out my anger on a dominos employee for messing up my order? 🙊😅🍕

I’m EXHAUSTED, sleeping all day on my days off and still somehow able to take naps which is super unlike me. 😴 I’m a person that can’t sleep during the day when I’m already awake and it’s usually very hard for me to go to sleep. I definitely feel hyper-aware of every cramp and ache in my body though so I’m hoping I’m not just over analyzing! I also have nipple piercings but my nipples have been really sore, so I can’t tell if it’s the piercing that’s sore (sometimes they snag on my bras and get irritated) but yes my nipples have been very sore on and off. Also I’m usually a person that’s very cold but lately I’ve been over heating like crazy! 🥵In the middle of fall while it’s super cold, I’m tossing and turning and night over heating and getting night sweats which is the complete opposite of how I usually am. Also very painful intercourse!😵 Very sore down there for some reason, not sure if it’s just from all the trying or if it’s something more so I got myself some Monistat just in case but odor and discharge seems normal. (TMI I know, sorry) I haven’t had to buy Monistat in over a year so pretty random and started getting bloated and constipated and the same time as it started! 🤔

Does anyone know if getting a yeast infection is another sign of early pregnancy along with bloating and constipation? I’ve had to pee quite frequently, it’s not painful or anything so I don’t think it’s a UTI, I’m also really bad about drinking water but I’ve been drinking more water lately too (probably only 1 or 2 more glasses)

I’ve talk with my mother a lot through this and she has seen me go through phases before where I was over concerned about being pregnant when I was younger and not in the right place to have a baby, I would obsess over it and it would almost “cause the symptoms”. My body tends to play tricks on me in that way so I don’t want to get my hopes up if this may be another “false alarm” like I’ve experienced in the past...

I’ve never felt more sure and today I’m a day late so our fingers are crossed that I won’t get my period and I’ll actually have my first positive test result back! We are so excited to have our first baby and I pray to god that I won’t be shattered by a period in the next week 🥺

I’m praying that I’m actually pregnant and not over thinking it 🙏🏻