Help?! I need advice

I’m probably psyching myself out. I have pcos so my periods have always been irregular except for the last 4-5 months they’ve been ranging 40-45 day cycles and the last month was like 50. I’m currently on day 48... I had unprotected sex 8 days ago on the 21st . HE finished in me and I ended up taking a plan b 25 hours later. Usually I have symptoms about a week and a half before I start (like acne, and horrible back pain) ALSO sore boobs and I have NOT had those yet. I have only had mild mild sensations in my uterus area and ONLY sore nipples, not overall boob or muscle. I was expecting to start my period soon so I know I’d be ok. On the 18th of October I took an ovulation test as I do every once and a while. It was almost positive so getting close to ovulation. Then 2-3 days ago I took another one and it was SOOOO negative. I assumed I ovulated between the 18th and 25-26. I had the symptoms of ovulation too the day after I took the plan b (Ovary pressure and I could feel it as I usually can). Of course it’s possible I could be pregnant but tonight I really had a gut feeling that I might be and needed to tell someone. Is it possible to ovulate the day after taking plan b?