Successful VBAC and I'm so happy 😭🥰


I had a rather traumatic birth with my first born that ended in csection and hemorrhage. I was determined this go around to have a vaginal delivery, mostly because the recovery is less brutal and I have a toddler who I wanted to be able to keep up with. Of course I was terrified of the idea of vaginal tears and episiotomy as well, so I invested in an Epi-No birth trainer. I do NOT have elastic skin and my mom had terrible vaginal tears when she gave birth so I figured I would end up in similar situation if I didn't prepare. Ladies let me tell you, it worked!! I would give it 5 stars for SURE. I was able to deliver vaginally and not only that, but I had no perineal tearing!! The only tiny tear I had was actually upward toward my urethra and there is no muscle there, just a little bit of skin. I have zero pain down there!! Never needed any ice or anything. There was no "ring of fire" and I felt 100% confident in pushing her out because I was already familiar with the sensation thanks to the birth trainer. I would recommend it to anyone! Recovery for me is a huge difference from my first baby and I couldn't be happier 🥰 Here is a picture of my cute little chunker! She was born 10/29/20 at 4:55pm weighing 8lbs 7oz!