Please help TMI

Hey y’all so I got the paragard IUD on Oct 5th two days before my period was supposed to come and it all went well. My period came on time and It lasted the usual 5 days although it was a little heavier which is a normal side effect for this IUD but after my period ended when I peed I would wipe & have super light pink discharge every day then It stopped completely for about a week. So ever since I got up today I’ve been feeling some cramping that comes and goes but it starts really dull & kinda intensifies slowly then stops kinda like mild contractions. When I went to pee and wiped I noticed the pink discharge again with little streaks of bright red blood. I’ve been checking for strings just to make sure I still have the IUD in place but this freaks me out a little because I’m not supposed to get my period until within 10 days. Does anyone know if this is normal? My appointment is coming up l I’ll make sure to ask about this.