Birthday (double post)

I hate my birthday so much. I cry every year. I know my husband loves me & appreciates me. He just doesn’t think to plan things out.. at all. He’s all last minute. I saved and made sure I could afford to do things for him for Father’s Day and his birthday. Well here’s my birthday and we can’t afford to do anything because I didn’t remind him a million times. He feels bad and I guess I appreciate that but this could have been avoided. Even if he’d plan something fun for us to do cheap. Doesn’t have to be anything huge. It’s just not the same if I have to ask for it. I know everyone says that’s what happens when you’re a parent but they’re WRONG. It doesn’t have to be this way... I’m not mad at him, I’m not throwing a fit or guilt tripping him. I’m not going to say anything about it. But I’m hurt. A lot.

***we have talked about this before, that is why I don’t see the point of doing it again