pregnancy scare HELP

R 🥰

I had my implant placed mid September, a week before my period was due. When my due date came I spotted for a few days and that was it (only when I wiped)

About 10 days after that I had a full blown period almost 12-14 days long, cramps and I even had something called a decidual cast (it looked like a miscarriage but I wasn’t sexually active before this so I knew it’s not possible) - basically all my lining tried to come out at once.

My period ended around the 22nd or 23rd and I spotted again on the 25th on the 27th we had sex, unprotected (other than the nexplanon obv), he came inside me and since then everyday I’ve spotted. And it’s gradually got heavier (still not enough to call a period) it started pink then brown and now deep red and bright red.

I had some cramping today too. Could I be pregnant?

Please no harsh comments, I suffer from anxiety from this & I’m genuinely terrified of becoming pregnant again.