Growth Spurt

I think my baby may be going thru a growth spurt! She’s been extra hungry for the past 3-4 days and her sleep has been a little more longer (she does wake up for feedings). But she was 9lbs at birth, so she takes 3oz every 3 hours but she’s been preferring 4 oz oddly at night but it makes her happy so I do what makes her happy. The 4 oz doesn’t make her tummy upset and she doesn’t spit up. But it’s been so overwhelming for her be super hungry because I don’t wanna over feed her and if I don’t give her extra feedings she’ll be super fussy because she’s hungry 😭😭 anybody have any explanation why??? And she doesn’t wanna lay in her crib 😭😭 she just wants to be held all day. I love her so much but I would like a little rest. I called her doctor to ask her about it and she couldn’t really tell me much of anything other then she may just be growing.