Baby Gas struggles?


Ugh this mama is struggling the last few days. My little one is 3 weeks old and we figure she is having gas issues and it’s making her sleep very loud and obviously uncomfortable and sooo short, she’s barely reaching 2 hours when she was getting 3-3.5 before.

She is EBF and I just have mom guilt that maybe something I’m eating is causing the gas or just guilt that I haven’t found relief for her yet? I actually felt like giving up on BF’ing tonight I’m just so tired and overwhelmed with the lack of sleep and an baby that is clearly having some discomfort in her tummy at night 😭😭😭

I’ve been burping more, keeping her upright longer after eating and I even tried the bicycle and tummy massage things tonight during a nap and I think it REALLY got things moving because she had a giant poo and a ton of farts like 15 minutes later. I finally gave her a little gripe water to see if it would give SOME relief! Now it’s almost midnight and my hubby was hearing gas pass in her diaper before he changed her. I assume it’s good to hear the gas pass than not hear it at all right? She just slept like 2 hours and I can’t remember her keeping me up with her gas pains which she normally does so I’m hoping she actually slept a little soundly.

Gosh any mamas feeling the same. Any advice or encouragement would be welcome. 😴