My husband came home for ovulation ❤️😭

My husband had to work away from home for a couple weeks.

He made it in time for when I thought I’d be ovulating but my opks were still negative, then last minute plans changed and he had to leave for a job yesterday overnight

He wasn’t supposed to be home until Sunday

I got my positive opk yesterday of course

I told him I was going to ovulate today and what a bummer we missed it!

We had sex Thursday morning which would have been 2 days before ovulation so the chance was slim. J

This man rushed to get his job done and left at the crack of dawn this morning to drive 9 hours home and make it for my ovulation day

I’ve been having EWCM all week and had ovulation pain today so I’m really feeling hopeful

And on top of him making it home for ovulation (he told me that he made sure he got home early so we could make a baby) he ravaged me in a way that was so passionate and filled with love

I’m so thankful to have a husband who wants this as much as I do. We’ve had 3 miscarriages, 2 being missed miscarriage so it’s scary and exciting at the same time.

TWW begins tomorrow!!! Yay!!