Should this be allowed?

So I work in w care home and I have colleagues who I think are really awful at their job. I have reported them but nothing has happened so just wanting peoples opinions of whether I should report it to someone higher. I work nights in a care home and I have colleagues who are showering residents at 3/4 in the morning going in to their room waking them up and showering them or if they are awake in bed getting them out of bed showering them like fair enough they might be awake but it is still 3 o’clock in the morning?? They scream and shout all night they even go in residents room hide in their wardrobes or under their beds and jump out at other staff and residents scaring them, they wear residents clothing and we just really unprofessional. I have reported them but nothing has been done just wondering would you be happy with your family member being dragged out of bed at 3/4 in the morning to be showering then having to be put back in to bed until morning