After birth

So , I’m scheduled to be induced 3 days before thanksgiving. We used to go to my bf grandmothers house every year because that’s where all his family meets and eat . My family never has family gatherings but his mom and I fell out too many times over the 5 years we been together so I haven’t been over there in 2 years . His mom talks cash shit about me when me and him have problems and she bad talks about me to everyone in their family like even the ones I’ve never met so when I do met this , they look at me with the side eye or have a bad impression of me . But his grandma called the other day and asked were we coming over for thanksgiving , I love her to death . But, I don’t want to go because I’m going to feel uncomfortable. Would you guys still go ?

My boyfriend always go to get ya plate when we do go . She stays 30 minutes away and is up in age so she fixes the plate and calls him to come get them .