Blood work for hCG levels

I’m feeling quite discouraged and not confident with my doctor...

I went for my initial appointment to confirm pregnancy.. she did regular bloodwork, and a urine sample.. but I’m really kicking myself now because:

1. I haven’t heard back from the doctor yet, to actually confirm anything for me and it’s been 7 days today

2. When I checked my online bloodwork (we have access to our health records online where I live) there was no sign of blood work done for hCG levels, only a positive from urine..

My question is, is this normal? Should I not have had blood work to check my hCG levels, as well as continued blood work this week to make sure levels are rising at a good rate? And shouldn’t I have been called by now by the doctor to at least confirm a positive urine test? This is my first pregnancy, and she’s a new doctor to me.. I just feel very misguided by her right now.