Do I need to return his clothing??

Am I obligated to continue asking him to pick up some clothes that he left at my apartment?

We have been up and down throughout our entire relationship. It was dangerous territory unfortunately...getting with your best guy friend after his messy divorce.

Every day I wish we had just stayed best friends and never got involved romantically or physically.

Regardless. He was staying with a family member for a bit until they (nicely) kicked him out because they were moving and selling their 3 bedroom bungalow to move into a retirement home. So it wasn't spiteful or anything. Just he had to go!

It all happened very quickly. Just to give you an idea. It was something like he had to be out by the first but couldn't move into an apartment until the 15th. So for that brief two week period, his big stuff was in storage but his little stuff moved in with me. Like clothes. Shoes. Books. Toiletries. Nothing too crazy.

We had already been on the rocks. Both knew him crashing at my place was temporary.

But that was now three weeks ago. And he has a whole drawer full of clothes here still. We arent really speaking. He spent his last two days here at a hotel.

Anyways. I've told him 4 times in the past 3 weeks that he needs to get his clothes and shoes. And nooo I don't know where he moved to otherwise I would just drop it off.

I'm tired of trying. At what point do I stop trying and just chuck it or sell his stuff? (BTW its all good condition name brand stuff. Hes very particular about his stuff lol)