Help spotting in ovulation window w/ prior ectopic

Hi everyone! I am super nervous that I am spotting in my ovulation window. In July I had an ectopic (ovarian ectopic) found only because of random routine bloodwork. Right before starting my "period" in June I took multiple pregnancy tests that were all negative. Then in my ovulation window in June I started spotting and my doctor was like whatever we will throw in some extra stuff to see if your bloodwork shows anything. I have a family history of finding out pregnancy very late for some reason (one was ttc and when she got the possitive she was already 5 months along and the other found out while in labor after ttc and testing monthly until the birth) I was pregnant with that ectopic with numbers right below 2 thousand. Saturday I couldn't stop hiccuping and my mom joked about it being because I was pregnant. I took a test with an hour hold maybe and felt like I saw something but figured it was line eyes since my husband saw nothing. Today I started spotting very light pink and once again I am supposed to be in my ovulation window. Do you think I might be pregnant and missed it? Should I be worried that it could be another suprise ectopic? Photos below for reference. Reinverted the one neg for the closeup of the line