I really need help!!

i had sex with my boyfriend the 23&30th of October. and then the 6th of November. we did do it more then once each time. i’m not worried about the 23rd i’m more worried about the 30th. i have gave him head and he came. he washed him self and then we had sexual later in. On the 30th he did fist me we did have sex. he probably precame.

But idk ever since then i’ve had a feeling my IUD has moved. he’s checked the strings and says that they’re fine. i’ve had some cramping and bleeding since then. (i’ve been bleeding since the 21st of october)

i know the soonest i can test is this Saturday but i’m just confused. Should i test when i’m able to? am i making something out of nothing? i’m literally so scared i can’t stop crying.