3 dpo - Looking for cycle buddies

Leia • Happily Married 💍 TTC #1 for 3.5 years 🤞🏼

Hi, I'm Leia đź‘‹ I am currently 3 dpo and my cycle is 27 days long.

I live in Phoenix, AZ and my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2.5 years. I've gone through the full range of emotions, from hopeful and optimistic to obsessed to desperate, angry, depressed - and now I'm in a place where I know I will get pregnant, but leaving the timing up to the Universe/Spirit/God and doing my due diligence tracking my cycle and symptoms. For a while there I was turning sex into a chore but now I'm committed to just enjoying myself and my husband.

Not a lot of people get time to just enjoy each other after they're married like we have had, so I will cherish these times when its just us and we're free to just take off and go travel or do whatever we want because I know when the kids come my lifestyle will change dramatically