HCG tests in Canada



Hey everyone! I went for my prenatal bloodwork yesterday and my HCG was around 2000. I called my doctor to see about getting the forms to do the repeat test to see if they’re doubling, and they said I don’t need to do them. Is this a new thing because of Covid?

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Posted at
Not a Covid thing. On normal pregnancies in Canada HCG is included in the first prenatal blood draw. It confirms pregnancy. They don’t do serial draws unless there is an issue. Ie I got serial the week before an ultrasound when my previous pregnancy was a missed miscarriage.


Posted at
I have to go get bloodwork 3 times 48 hours apart when I get pregnant (with my son and this new pregnancy) but I have a history of ectopic pregnancy so I am considered high risk.


Posted at
You were able to get your beta levels? I’m jealous I’ve been seeing all these women posting theirs.. lol my doctor told me (even in my previous pregnancy’s) that they only do them if there was a concern


N • Nov 20, 2020
Don’t know, waiting to hear from my OB. With my first I got one around 7-8 weeks, but my family doctor ordered that one. Probably because I had had miscarriages before.


Da • Nov 18, 2020
When do you get an ultrasound?


N • Nov 18, 2020
I did the prenatal labs, and they include the test there. Apparently I passed lol