

Hi moms! My boy will be 11 weeks on Monday, all this week he’s been in great spirits super smiley and playful, struggling a little to sleep but that’s expected at times. Anyways, the last 2 days he has barely napped lucky for 30 minutes, just wants to be held and we have to be standing. Today he has diarrhea, he’s been trying to stick his whole fist in his mouth the entire time he is awake, chewing on his binky, and has red cheeks (someone called them teething cheeks) I know it’s really early but is it possible he is teething? Other than diarrhea he’s completely fine, happy, playful, eating, wet diapers. He even napped today. I’m a FTM so I’m clueless & curious. I appreciate all opinions! Also he’s formula fed. Thanks in advance!