EBF mamas

Zoe🇬🇧 • Leo 30 Sept 2020 - my due date baby 💙 Ollie 15 March 2023 - my mermaid baby 💙 Archie 29 August 2024 - my induced baby 💙

Just a check in to see how you’re all doing if you’re still EBF 😁

Leo is 8wks today and luckily since day 1 he has been sleeping a typical 4hr stint in the night before waking for a feed, although I’ve had the odd few nights where he’s slept 5.5-6hrs in between a feed

He tends to fall asleep around 8-8:30pm and be up around midnight and 4am to feed and then is awake for the day around 6-6:30am

I know I’ve been lucky but also can’t wait for that first night where he sleeps all the way through 😂

Daytime feeds are a bit more irregular and can be between every 2-4hrs

Tell me how you’re getting on!