My mom

My mom likes to drink. She drinks so much and when she does she gets violent. Yesterday she got really drunk and attacked me when I refused to put on music for her. (Note she was listening to music for hours but decided to come into my room to do it because she felt like it) She kept asking and I said no. She got mad at me and started calling me ungrateful bitch. I told her get out of my room and I started to push her out my bed (not hard) and she got up got her belt and started beating me. I was trying to get it from her because she was just hitting me. Then I got it away from her and then she started punching me in my legs, arms, and face. I started to hit her back to protect myself but as soon as I started to defend myself my grandma, uncle, and sister came in and started yelling at me. Then told me stop being disrespectful and then my mom went on this long ass rant about how she hates being a mother and her kids don’t appreciate her. I honestly don’t respect my mom and I haven’t for a while. She does stuff like this a lot and I can’t stand it. I live with my grandma and this all happened in my grandmas apartment. I’m 14 btw and idk what I should do.