Weight gain

Jennifer • My name is Jennifer. Married for going on 8 years ❤️ 5 y/o daughter and 2 y/o son. Baby #3 is a girl!

I am normally a very small woman. Like I mean small...I’m 5 foot and normally weight like 100-110 lbs. when I got pregnant this second time I lost a lot of weight in the beginning...went down to 96 lbs at 10 weeks pregnant(could eat anything, what I didn’t wouldn’t stay down) I am now weighing in at 118lbs and counting (22 lbs gain) which I love because 1 it’s a health weight, 2 it means baby boy is growing just fine. However, none of the weight has gone anywhere except my belly.....does this mean baby could be huge? I only gained 14 lbs with my first and she was born at 7 lbs 6 oz.