Nap time issues - any advice?


My baby is 7 weeks old now so I'm not super sleep training or anything but I am trying to get her down for naps. They pretty much don't happen during the day. I keep hearing, "sleep begets sleep" but my baby won't sleep for longer than 10 minutes in her crib or bassinet during the day. So then I end up letting her sleep in her swing or on our couch and neither of those are great options for various reasons. She also only sleeps in either place for a max of 30 minutes and it's mostly 1 nap per day. That will last for 3 days in a row and then one day she will sleep all day long. I know I'm doing this wrong and I need suggestions! When I lay her in her crib for a nap she will grunt and call out and eventually cry. My question is how long do I ignore her to help her learn to self soothe and fall asleep on her own? It's hard to ignore! But I want to get her into good sleeping habits. Every day she just gets over tired and its a fussy battle all evening. Is this just the newborn stage? If it's supposed to be this way, then that's fine! But I'm worried I'm not doing something right to help her learn good sleeping habits.

Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions! Here's a picture of my sweet girl when she fell asleep in the carseat and I didn't want to move her because she was actually napping for 15 minutes 😂😍