Choosing Between 2 Guys



My ex and I broke up over a year ago and since then I have been talking to a new guy. We have great conversation and is an intellectual. We’ve hung out a few times not as much as I would like but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I definitely developed strong feelings for him. However, he cancelled on me 3 times very last minute with an excuse even though he says he always been truthful about why he cancelled. Fast forward to now, I’ve recently started speaking to my ex whom I dated for 5 years. I still love him but he has had a FWB relationship with his former coworker (I know her). So she disrespects me and constantly stalks my social media. I told him to check her about it and he did somewhat but she shrugged it off. But he constantly tells me how he loves me and I’m the one. Most likely I’m blinded because I feel that if he loves me as much as he does then he wouldn’t tolerate people disrespecting me. I’ve always asked him if we were to get back together what would become of his & her relationship. He said that she would still be his friend because they have mutual friends now. I feel that was a shitty response and he’s keeping both of us around for an ego boost. She hates my guts and I’m only jealous due to the sex. Even though yea, who am I to tell a single person what to do. Now the new guy is confessing that he likes me enough to want to date me. At the moment I don’t want to date anyone exclusively but when the time comes, I wouldn’t know what to do. Any advice?