This is gonna sound sexist prob cuz it is

... yeah no it definitely is.

But I surprise my bf with little gifts or dates and like his fav pie etc and he’s never done that. Ik he’s busy and he isn’t exactly ... thoughtful? Which kinda sucks. But this is my first real relationship and I’m realizing I gotta chill out with all I’m doing. He appreciates it Ik but maybe it’s a bit much cuz he hasn’t done anything like that for me.

Like once he said he’d surprise me with flowers next time I was at his place. But he forgot lol

To be fair that weekend he set up a movie night in his living room with a projector and bought my fav takeout to say he loves me .. so yeah he does do some stuff.

But like the other day he asked what my fav color was and I. KID. YOU. NOT. what my hobbies were when I have no school or work ...

Folks we’ve been hanging since June and dating almost two months.

Just made me realize he never really takes the time or cares to get to know me like that. Like he does but he forgets it he just is caught up in his shit and he likes talking ab him and we go out and do stuff and stay active like that. So it’s apparently never been on his mind lmao

*btw I made a little thing ab that and he said he doesn’t think little things , like fav color, matter but big things do. Idk what he meant but I kinda got it*

Not gonna delete cuz you grt the point but I made this most after a night shift while looped up on some Benadryl after an allergic reaction lmao.

But I’m wondering if most of ur bfs or current bf is like this where they don’t surprise you often or don’t seem as thoughtful. I’m not shutting down my bf now cuz he’s got a lot on his plate. I’m waiting for him to graduate college to see what he does and go from there